Cellitinnen Augustinian Sisters

Sisters in German Province

"Sing your praise to the LORD with the harp, with the harp and melodious song, with trumpets and the sound of the ram's horn. Make a joyful symphony before the LORD, the King! — Psalm 98:5

Duties toward god

“My child, if you aspire to serve the Lord, prepares yourself for an ordeal. Be sincere of heart, be steadfast, and do not be alarmed when disaster comes. Cling to him and do not leave him, so that you may be honored at the end of your days. Whatever happens to you, accepts it, and in the uncertainties of your humble state, be patient.” (Sirach 2:1-4)

Shining as lights in the world

“So, my dear friends, you have always been obedient; your obedience must not be limited to times when I am present. Now that I am absent it must be more in evidence, so work out your salvation in fear and trembling. It is God who, for his own generous purpose, gives you the intention and the powers to act.” (Phil 2:12-13)

Fullness of life in Christ

“So then, as you received Jesus as Lord and Christ, now live your lives in him, be rooted in him and built up on him, held firm by the faith you have been taught, and overflowing with thanksgiving.” (Col 2:6-7)